ANTHONY Designer for your WEB...
Some one maybe need every thing about web site or Affiliate Program, send me your e-mail at [email protected]
My Name is # ANTHONY,ST # Graduatee from University of Education in Bandung City at 1999, Some time I'm very busy about something in Web or everything about Development Hardware or Software, Just for Statistic job I'm very like'd hard suggestion in my job, Just enough for this time, ....and every one need me can call anytime at 085864152278 just call no massages, Thank's...!
My Name is # ANTHONY,ST # Graduatee from University of Education in Bandung City at 1999, Some time I'm very busy about something in Web or everything about Development Hardware or Software, Just for Statistic job I'm very like'd hard suggestion in my job, Just enough for this time, ....and every one need me can call anytime at 085864152278 just call no massages, Thank's...!